Thursday, October 9, 2014

No Mommy, No Daddy, No Difference?

So, with the Supreme Court's decision not to make a  decision, same-sex marriages in Arkansas now become a legal right. I, for one, am not against them having a legal right to marry, but that does not mean I believe it is right to define marriage as sometthing that occurs between a couple of the same sex.  From a biblical perspecttive, I am certain it is wrong.  Jesus was very clear in Matthew 19 that "from the beginning, God made them male and female and for that reason a man will leave his father and  mother and be united with his wife and the two will become one flesh" (vv. 4-5).

Setting apart the Bible for those that do not accept its authority or agree with what I think  is a clear teaching, there is a very practical reason for me to think that a family unit built upon a same-sex foundation is a bad choice: It affirms that whether one has a mommy or not makes no difference.  It also affirms that having a dadddy or not makes no difference.  A two-woman couple does not allow a child to grow up with the benefit of a father's love, support and example.  A two-man couple does not allow a child to grow up with the benefit of a mother's love, support and example.

A same-sex couple denies children of the close intimacy and proximity with the influence and underrstanding that comes from one of the opposite sex.  Men and women are not the same, we are absolutely different.  Mommies and daddies are not the same.  Little  boys need a daddy's example of what it means to be a man and how a man is to treat a woman.  Little girls need a daddy's love and a picture of how they should be treated by a man.  It is equally true of a mommy's influence on what it means to be a woman and how a woman is to treat a man and how a man should expect to be treated by a woman.

God made mankind both male and female.  We are not the same.  As an individual we are not complete.  It is only when a man and woman join together that they become one whole flesh or prson in the image of God.  Mommies and Daddies do make a difference, both of them.  Jus' Sayn.

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