Tuesday, October 28, 2014


One of the rallying cries of this administration has been a call to fairness.  Their notion is that America has been unfair to the poor and disadvantaged and the way to achieve fairness is to take more money from the rich (the 1%) and spread it around to the poor (the 99%).  However, most of it winds up in the pockets of other rich folks in the form of Pork Barrell Spending by Congress.

It is also though that America is unfair to its minority groups and holds them down by race, gender, sexual preference, etc.  I've often thought it odd to refer to women as a minority when there are more women than men.  Nonetheless, women and other seg groups are thought to be held down by the Good Ole Boys, otherwise known as white males.

This has been historically true but I wonder, in an age where the President is African-American, women serve in all levels of society and other minority groups are given priority much of the time, how true it is that anyone but one's self is doing the holding down?  Celebrities, multi-million dollar ball players, civic leaders and politicians are from all stripes.  Apparently some don't buy in to the notion that their race, color or gender determines success.

However, be that as it may, there is inequity in America, indeed, in the world.  Life is truly not fair.  To have been born in America, as much as it is trashed by some, is considered to be winning the lottery of life compared to nearly every other place on earth.  Why do you think, despite the tune beat by the media drum, that everyone is still coming to America?  It is not perfect here but, compared with the rest of the world, it is.

Some are born into poverty, some into riches; some men, some women; some this color, some that; some live in freedom, others in slavery; some are tall, some short; some beautiful, some homely; and on it goes.  Life is unfair, the world in which we live is fallen.  In God's Kingdom, there is "neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus" (Gal 3:28).  But in the world, there is no equity.  You get what you got and you have to play the hand you are dealt.

The Good News, however, is that "our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us" (Rom 8:18) - a glory that does not come to us fairly.  Our salvation is not based on equity or fairness.  If it did, you and I would have to pay the cost.  As it is, however, "we are saved by grace through faith - a free gift of God" (Eph 2:8-9).

No life isn't fair - Thank God!  Jus' Sayn.

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