Tuesday, October 14, 2014

One Way

When Moses gave the Law of God to the ancient Israelites, he warned them very severely, "Do not turn aside from any of the commands I give you to the right or to the left..." (Deut 28:14).  This warning was followed by a litany of curses that would follow any such departure.

Jesus' warning was just as absolute as he assured his disciples, "I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6).  He completely dismisses any other path to life - no Buddha, no Mohammed, no whomever or whatever else.  Any other path is leaves one empty of God's presence and blessings.

Why so strict?  Why so narrow?  Why wasn't Moses more open-minded?  Why wasn't Jesus more tolerant of individual choice?  Why insist on one way only?  Shouldn't a loving God be accepting of diversity?  Isn't that the loving way?  Is it?

Let us suppose that you wanted to go to a certain country that was accessible by only one flight on a particular airline at a set time each day.  So I tell you that you must take that airline at that time and no other.  Let us further suppose that you didn't want to get up that early or take that airline.  Would it be loving of me to say, "That's OK, you chose any airline you want and arrive at the airport at whatever time you like."  Would that be loving, given I know that it won't take you to the place you want to go?  Of course not.  It might make you feel better at the moment.  It might keep you and me from being at odds.  But it would not be loving and you would not feel loved as you were told at the counter you missed the only flight that goes there.

When Jesus called his disciple to "come follow me," they weren't given a choice of paths because if they chose any other way but the way he was going, they would not be with him.  If I give you directions to my home, you aren't then allowed to take any road in any direction to get there.  When you are following someone to their home, you can't just decide to turn off to the right or left when they are going straight.  You really have tto follow them, turn for turn.

In this country, we believe in diversity.  Diversity is our right in the pluralistic society; however, just because it is our right does not mean it is right.  Since there is one God and he has given us One way, our right to choose another is wrong.  He would not be loving God to permit diversity knowing that his Son is the only way and that his path is the only path.  Jus' Sayn.

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