In Luke 9:51, we read that "Jesus set his face towards Jerusalem." The backdrop for that statement was the nearing of his time to face the cross and complete his mission on earth. He knew that the nearer it came, the more distractions would come his way, the opportunities and temptations to sidestep or delay would increase.
Haven't you been there - not facing a cross but called to an opportunity to serve or partake in a ministry and immediately the demands on your time are increased; opportunities or temptations to do something else, anything else just seem to crop up before your very eyes?
You didn't know you had so many options. You had no idea how many opportunities lay before you. You were surprised how many people suddenly needed you for one thing or another. Your head is turned, you are faced with so many tempting opportunities.
Where did they all come from? Where indeed! As SNL's Church Lady would ask, "Could it be Satan?" The apostle Paul warns that the Temptor seeks to insure our labors are in vain (cf. 1 Thess 3:5). He often tries to dissuade us, not by a direct challenge but by highlighting so many other choices.
Satan tries to turn our head, therefore we must, as Jesus did, set our faces toward the calling of God, when He calls to where He calls.
Stay tuned to God. Keep constant in prayer. Make Bible study a daily part of your life. Set aside quiet time with Him regularly. Insure that God's voice is the most distinct one in your ear so that nothing turns your head away from His will.
Jus' Sayn.
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