Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Making God Laugh

We are encouraged to dream big, to let our imaginations go and think outside the box.  We are told that if we can dream it we can do it, if we can imagine it we can manage it, if we can think it up we can get it down. 

All that may be true, it depends on how determined and resourceful you are. However, though you may well dream what you consider big and imagine what you think is awesome but, as the saying goes, "If you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans."  For God "is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us" (Eph 3:20).

God's laughter, by the way, would not be a haughty or derisive laughter, but rather the gentle chuckle of a Father whose small child has just told him his/her big idea. What they told you is adorable but you know they are thinking so small compared to what is really possible.

My point is that despite our best thinking or biggest dreaming, God can accomplish so much more through us when we seek his will and listen to his voice. When people really look to God for direction and invite him to use them for his glory, they wind up saying things like, "I never dreamed I would one day..." Or, "I can hardly believe what God has done in my life."  Or, "I had no idea that I could ever..."

Jesus came that we might experience "life to the full" (John 10:10) and the Father desires to do more than we can imagine in and through our lives. At some point, if we are to have that full and meaningful life that God wills for us, we are going to have to "let go and let God."  

We don't need to unleash our imaginations, we need to give the reigns over to the Father in prayer and obedience. We don't need to think outside the box, we need to listen inside our spirit. Jus' Sayn. 

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