There were no intercessors, no one willing to stand between God and man and petition on sinful man's behalf. Intercessors, those willing to come regularly and often before God in behalf of those bound over to sin, are still hard to find.
Some don't want to stand in the gap because, like Jonah, they believe the sinful deserve punishment. Others are fearful that God will not answer their prayer, causing their faith to be challenged. Others still are just not that concerned one way or the other.
Whatever our reason for not standing in the gap, for not finding the time and expending the energy to pray for the lost and even the evil ones around us, it runs counter to A God who desires that we "love one another" (1 John 4:11) and who "is not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance" (2 Pet 3:9).
Not everyone can be a missionary in a foreign land, preach a rousing sermon from the pulpit or go to the streets encountering the lost face to face, but everyone can stand in the gap daily lifting up the names of others in prayer. While you may not have the skill or ability to deal directly with sinners, you do have access to the throne room of God - you can daily stand in the gap.
Jus' Sayn.
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