Friday, January 31, 2014

What About Him?

In John 21:15ff, Jesus warns Peter about the kind of death he will suffer for God's glory. Peter sees John and asks, "What about him?"  To which Jesus replied, "If I want him to remain until I come again, what is that to you?"

In other words, how is taking his eyes off Jesus and focusing on John going to benefit Peter?  Remember the last time Peter took his eyes off Jesus?  You'd think he'd never forget that "sinking" feeling as the waves began to overtake him (see Matt 14:28-31).  

Going back to Peter's "What about him?" concern: What about him?  What if God chooses to allow a friend to live in a bigger house, drive a fancier car, have a better job or live a healthier life?  What is that to you?

What if Jesus chooses to bless you in another way, by sending you down a different path or allowing you a greater struggle?  What is that to you?  How does that fact speak to you?  If your eyes are on Jesus, following along the path to which he called you. How could comparing self with another benefit you or him?

If we believe that He leads us and that he has purpose in the things he causes or allows, how could we want to sidestep that path and travel on someone else's?

It is when we "seek his kingdom and his righteousness" (Matt 6:33) that we receive all the rest and all the best, not when we follow the path someone else is taking. 

What about him?  Jus' Askn. 

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