Monday, January 20, 2014

Royal Priesthood

A priest is a very special person, who stands between God and man, making intercessory between the two for man's benefit.  He offers prayers, gives instruction and helps facilitate faith development in another. A priest is a holy man of God for the propel God calls. A priest is man's link to the Father above. 

You can easily recognize a priest because of the clothes he wears - basic black with an inverted black collar....  Yeah, about that - not. Actually, a priest may not be easily distinguished from a crowd. A priest's clothes may be exactly like yours, he may live in a house just like yours, drive a car like yours, have a dog like yours, be married like you, have a secular job like you. In fact, he or she might be you. 

"What you talkin' 'bout Willis?"  I'm talking about the position God gives to every one of his children, the ministry each Christian is called to and set apart for, in the Kingdom of God on earth.  I'm talking about the truth revealed in 1 Peter 2:9, "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."

That's right, you - man or woman, black or white, married or single - you, as a disciple of Jesus Christ are set apart (made holy) to intercede (pray for) and facilitate faith development (share your faith) in others. You and I are a holy nation of priests or we are not disciples at all. 

Disciples do not sit back and read about the Master or simply believe He exists.  Disciples follow their Master, learning to do as he does, live as he lives, think as he thinks. A disciple is one in the process becoming like his Master. What did Jesus do?  Do that. How did Jesus treat others?  Treat them the same way. What did Jesus teach?  Teach that.  WWJD?  Do it!  Jus' Sayn. 

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