Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Strength For The Journey

The thing about the journey of life is that it is not a sprint.  While their will be moments when we will need a burst of strength to get to a certain goal or through a particular event, life is transversed over the long haul.  And there will be times when it just seems you can't find the strength to go on.  As you look down the road at what you have to face, already feeling road-weary, you may say to yourself, "I just don't know how I can make it."

Triathlete Hunter Kemper had reached such a point in his life but rather than give in to despair, he turned to the Source of strength: "I knelt down before Him in the bedroom of my rental home and confessed to him that I could no longer do it on my own.  I cried a lot that day; to because I was sad but because I felt free."

Hunter has found that this strength even applies to his life as a triathlete: "On the days when I don't think I can run another mile, or when I don't think I'm able to cross the finish line, I always remember that God does not grow tired or weary.  Anything is possible with God."

Hunter is not confused, thinking that he personally has the strength to face anything, he is clear in understanding that it is God who does not wear down or out, and that it is God, who lends him the strength.  Everyone, in their human frame grows weary, but God's children have a reserve that allows them to "do all things through Christ who give [them] strength" (Phil 4:13).

The prophet Isaiah puts it this way: "Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint" (40:30-31).

What about you?  Are you feeling weary, wondering how you will finish the race or complete the journey?  Are you wondering where you will find the strength?  It is no secret.  God is the Source and he will supply, not always in a sprint because the journey is long and while we will fly with God-given bursts at times and we will run for a distance too; in the long run, we will have the strength to continue the walk to the journey's end.  Jus' Say'n.

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