Thursday, August 18, 2016

Under New Management

It's the same business, same location, same product but it's totally different because it's under new management.  It may be better or it may be worse, depending on the management; but you can be sure it will be different.  Who one works for make all the difference in the outcome of his work as direction, support and motivation comes from the top.

The very attitude workers have about their jobs are greatly impacted from the top.  If a worker feels appreciated and fairly compensated, he is much more likely to have a good attitude and give his best when it comes to production.  If he has a personal relationship with the boss, his pride in product generally goes up as well.  Who you work for and how you relate to them translates into the quality of the work you do.

But what if you work for a boss that is a poor leader and is lacking in the skills to motivate you or is simply not a very nice person who doesn't provide positive support.  What if you work for a miserly boss that doesn't compensate fairly and doesn't recognize your talent and efforts.  Where do you find the support and encouragement to be a happy and productive employee?

The simple answer: Somewhere else.  You may actually post your resume and begin looking for new employment.  You could try to change the relationship you have with your current boss.  You could focus on the customer or the people for whom your product or service is designed. All these things may help.  But let me offer another solution that will help and will keep on helping even when your relationship with your boss turns sour or your customers are being whiny, demanding babies.

Bring your whole life under the management of God.  Don't work just for your employer or produce just for your customer.  Don't look just to your paycheck for affirmation or even the response of those paying for your service or product.  As the Bible puts it, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men,  since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving" (Col 3:23-24)

Here's the turn, when we place our live under His management, we know that He will reward us and treat us with mercy and grace.  When I'm working for the Lord, knowing that my service or product reflects on my witness of Him, I have greater motivation to do my best.  In fact, seeing my work as a sacrifice means that only my best will do.

When working for the Lord instead of man, I have an inward desire to work at the top of my game, to do my very best and give the glory to Him rather than be overly concerned about how much I'm getting in return or how much I'm being noticed.  My reward becomes the satisfaction of serving my God well by performing and/or producing in the best manner possible.

Tired of your job?  Can't stand your boss?  Customers driving you to distraction?  It's time for a management change, allow the Lord to be in complete control of your life so that you can "Rejoice always and again I will say rejoice" (Phil 4:4).  Jus' Say'n.

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