Tuesday, June 13, 2017


"Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve....But as for me and my family, we will serve The Lord" (Josh 24:15).  

The choice of the ancient Israelites is still the choice today: God or the alternatives. Not the gods of the Amorites, but the gods of the Americans. Think of the gods worshipped in this country: money, power, prestige, education, individuality, sexuality, sports, celebrities, etc.  

Where do you devote most of you time, energy, thoughts, money, etc.?   Is the will of God most important to you or your own?  Is advancing His Kingdom paramount or advancing your agenda?  Is serving God or making money your biggest concern?  Which is a bigger draw to you, going to worship or going to the movies or a game or the lake?  

At the core of your life, what is it that makes you tick?  What is your choice?  Jus' Askn.

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