Monday, June 26, 2017

The Server

Jesus asked,"Who is greater, the one at the table or the one who serves at the table?" (Luke 22:27).  Jesus answered his own question saying, "is not the one sitting at the table greater?"

Nothing has changed in our day, we still consider the one who is served by many as important. Consider our politicians, who are called, laughingly, public servants - they have people open their doors, drive their cars and fetch their coffee, while they bark orders. They are not given to serving, they are given to demanding because they believe they are great among us. 

Movie stars feel the same way, the rich share that attitude and even in the church were we talk about the value of servanthood, we are too often reluctant to actually serve others. But Jesus, after acknowledging the world's view of the great being served, said, "But I am among you as one who serves."  

While we think the one with many servants is great, God says that the one who serves many is great.  Even Jesus' disciples got it wrong. When they gathered for the Last Supper, they looked for places of honor to sit, while Jesus looked for a place to serve. He took the servant's place, donning the towel ad taking up the basin to wash their feet (cf. John 13).  Which place do you tend to seek out?  Jus' Askn.

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